
brief description of the research topics I have worked on so far

Connectivity modeling in coral reef ecosystems
Despite being sessile organisms in their adult phase, corals have a high dispersal capacity due to characteristics of their life cycle. During their reproduction phase, hundreds of larvae are released into the water column allowing its dispersion over large distances. These coral larvae are transported by ocean currents until they find a suitable habitat to settle or die. When larvae are successfully transported from one population to another, we have a process known as connectivity. Understanding the connectivity metrics of a coral reef ecosystem is essential for securing its conservation in the long term. The connectivity between coral populations can be estimated by several methods. In particular, I have expertise with the connectivity modeling approach by perfoming virtual simulations of coral larvae dispersal. These simulations can be held with the use of biophysical models that couples the ocean hydrodinamics with corals life-history traits.
Marine heatwaves and sea surface temperature variability
Remote sensing of coastal environments and land-use change
Statistical analysis applied to geological records